Dog Training

General training
At the heart of every successful training effort lies a foundation built upon trust. Our proposition begins by raising a bond of trust between you and your dog – a relationship based on mutual respect, clear communication, and positive assistance. By instilling a sense of trust, we create a safe and supportive environment in which your dog can thrive.
That’s why we offer specialized training programs for dogs of all breeds, which rest on three pillars: socialization, general obedience and tricks.
We specialize in obedience, tricks, and socialization to help you establish a harmonious bond with your dog. We understand that many behavioural challenges stem from owners not knowing how to interact correctly with their dogs.
Our dynamic training sessions take place in various locations, ranging from lively streets to dynamic shopping centers, peaceful parks, and breathtaking beaches. By exposing you and your dog to diverse environments, we empower you to navigate different situations with confidence and ease.
What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to owner involvement. We firmly believe that training should be a common effort, so our sessions always include the presence of the dog’s owner. Together 2-3 times per week, we’ll spend approximately 1 hour per session, ensuring that you’re actively participating in your dog’s growth and development.
Let us be your trusted partners in transforming your dog’s behavior and enhancing your bond. Take the first step towards a happier and more fulfilling relationship with your canine companion. Join us for an enriching training experience where you’ll acquire invaluable skills and create lifelong memories with your beloved dog.

General obedience



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Show training

Unleash the full potential of your family member, of Your Dog.
We understand that each discipline has its unique set of skills, rules, and training techniques. When you enroll your dog in our training program, we start by directing a thorough assessment of their current abilities, temperament, and aptitude. This assessment helps us create a customized training plan that takes into account your dog's strengths, weaknesses, and individual learning style.
1. Handling classes
Though showing a dog looks easy, it takes some time to get the routine down. We provide training classes that based on our experience with much more than 100 Dog Shows in any part of the world and a lot of Champions in our Doberman kennel. We will teach you and your dog exactly what is expected from you in the ring, from how to “stack,” or pose, your dog to how to show the judge the bite, or teeth. There’s a lot of jargon to learn, but we’re ready to help you in each step.
2. Dog Fitness
Much like people, dogs need regular exercise to feel their best especially when we’re talking about SHOW DOG.
One way to do that is by creating and keeping up a fitness plan. Maintaining appropriate canine exercise levels can help to your Dog being always on TOP on the Dog Shows and also preventing injuries, lessening the impacts of age-related issues like arthritis, and help them stay physically active for longer.
All the necessary equipment is included in our dog fitness classes. Classes are provided at a selected location. To learn more about our training programs and to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our friendly team will provide you with all the information you need to get started.
P.S. We are thrilled to announce that we're in the process of launching our own dog’s handling facility. Follow our social media to be the first to know about upcoming key events.


Dog Fitness

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